Working groups
Working groups address specific topics as part of Digital Public Services Switzerland's service mandate. They are used by the Operational Management Committee as necessary, or by the Digital Public Services Officer for the Confederation and Cantons to provide content support to the Political and Operational Management Committees. This page lists all the active working groups.
Tasks and composition
Working groups enable participation by specialists from public administrations, businesses, academia and civil society. The Digital Public Services Officer for the Confederation and Cantons may invite proposals for appointments to the working groups, or may approach specialists directly. He appoints the chair of the working groups. Otherwise, the working groups determine their own membership.
Would you like to participate in a specific working group and contribute your specialist knowledge as an employee in public administration? If so, please contact the DPSS Office.
Identity Management and e-ID Working Group
The broad-based joint working group coordinates the efforts in the area of identity management throughout Switzerland. It is integrated into the Confederation's e-ID project organisation.
Contact: Titus Fleck, AR Informatik AG
Coordination: Marcel Kessler, DPSS Office
Voice Working Group
The Voice Working Group steers and manages the procurement of telecoms services for the public administrations, especially the undertakings on terms and conditions for telecoms providers. It fleshes out the contracts for the 2020 telecoms procurement via eOperations Switzerland AG.
Contact: Michael Rathgeb, ICT Officer at the Department of Finance and Smart Device Service Owner at the Office for IT, canton of Zurich
Coordination: Greg Hernan, DPSS Office
Telecommunications Working Group
The Telecommunications Working Group coordinates the exchange of data between the Confederation, cantons and municipalities. It serves the exchange of information and experience and is committed to the standardisation of relevant topics in the telecommunications sector.
By organising the annual «KomBV-KTV Landsgemeinde», the working group makes an important contribution to the further development and operation of the nationwide network of the Confederation, cantons and cantonal police forces.
Chair: Rudolf Ehrbar, Domain Architect at the Office for IT (Amt für Informatik), canton of Zurich
Coordination: Sabina Steiner, DPSS Office
Cyber- and Information Security Working Group
The Cyber- and Information Security Working Group draws up best practices for the protection of digitally stored data. It assesses the security aspects of new or developing trends in IT, proposes risk mitigation measures in the areas of hardware and software, and issues recommendations on reducing information security risks.
In a crisis, the Working Group deploys task forces quickly and unbureaucratically, thereby ensuring the provision of advice.
Contact: Adrian Gutknecht, Senior Security Engineer Network, Office for Organisation and IT, canton of Solothurn
Coordination: Greg Hernan, DPSS Office
National data management coordination body
The national data management coordination body is responsible in particular for ensuring coordination and the exchange of information in connection with the interoperability tasks arising from national data management. Coordination takes place among the cantons, between the cantons and the federal government, and among the municipalities involved. The committee sets thematic priorities and defines priorities for the planning of concrete work steps towards federal data management.
Co-Chairmen: Mathias Steffen, Federal Statistical Office, Jonas Bieri, canton Basel-City, and Andreas Burren, DPSS Office
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Committee
The Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Committee is the platform for the federal administration, cantons and municipalities to exchange ideas on data science and artificial intelligence (AI). It creates transparency about activities in the community and enables a broad exchange of knowledge and experience among members. The exchange also extends to the scientific community and the Competence Network for Artificial Intelligence CNAI.
Co-Chairmen: Bertrand Loison, Federal Statistical Office and Andreas Burren, DPSS Office
Cloud Governance und Workplace Working Group
The Cloud Governance and Workplace working group develops principles, tools and best practice methods for the integration and utilisation of cloud services within the ICT infrastructure of public administration.
An important part of the work is the exchange with cloud service providers, politics, data protection (including privatim), information and cyber security, telecommunications and other stakeholders including the private sector. The aim is to create joint formulations, concepts and solutions.
The working group also deals with topics relating to the digital workplace in public administration. It works out jointly usable solutions and develops these further. For example, hardware and software components as well as services (required services) are examined. The working group makes recommendations and promotes the exchange of experience between members.
The working group organises an annual Workplace Conference on current ICT topics with a focus on office automation.
Contact: Erich Hofer, CIO, Building and Transport Directorate, Canton of Berne
Coordination: Greg Hernan, DPSS Office
iSVC Working Group
For the realization of Ambition 3, it is envisaged that the trust infrastructure (ecosystem) of the Confederation will be available to all. The e-ID represents an important type of proof in the ecosystem. But other government and private entities can also issue digital proofs. To promote this in the government environment, standardization of the content of other proofs is important. A list of prioritized digital proofs (VC) is specified. On the one hand, a list of characteristics is maintained in a VC catalog, which is an overview of the attributes used in the ecosystem. The characteristics contain references to existing standards (namely eCH) and existing catalogs of characteristics. On the other hand, the evidence compiled with the features is defined and described. In a subsequent step, it is planned to transfer elements from the VC catalog into eCH standards. Issuers of these VCs and verifiers (auditors of VCs) can rely on the content of the standardized attributes. This means, for example, that uniform residence confirmations are possible throughout Switzerland. Actors such as the SBB or universities of applied sciences also benefit from this standardization.
Contact: Reto Schubnell, Thurgau Centre of Excellence for Digital Administration
Coordination: Florian Steffen, DPSS Office
Architecture working group
The architecture working group promotes substantive architecture topics and develops common architecture principles along the lines of the DPSS implementation plan. The federal administration, cantons, cities and municipalities agree on an overarching architecture across all levels of government. The structures and commitments necessary for future-oriented collaboration are created or further consolidated.
Contact: Andreas Spichiger and Jürg Wüst, Federal Chancellery’s Digital Transformation and ICT Steering Sector (DTI)
Coordination: Florian Steffen, DPSS Office